miercuri, 13 martie 2013

energy blockage contamination ineffective modes

The red zones all emanate from trauma caused negative karmic mass energy blockage outdated experiences.
Criticizing Mode - communicates a "You're not OK" message. When in this mode you will believe that others cannot do things as well as you can, or perhaps only some certain chosen people can. If you lead from this position you are unlikely to develop a loyal supportive team or culture.

Over-Indulging / Inconsistent Mode - communicates "You're not OK". When in this mode we often 'rescue' others, that is, do things for them which they are capable of doing for themselves. As a leader we might also be inconsistent in our style - changing our behaviour in unpredictable and apparently random ways.
Compliant / Resistant Mode - expresses an "I'm not OK" or "I'm not OK and You're Not OK" message. When in this mode we over-adapt to others and tend to experience such emotions as depression or unrealistic fear and anxiety. Even when 'resisting' we are not actually free to think for ourselves as we are reacting to someone and believing that we need to 'resist'. When in this mode we are unlikely to make good team members and will be highly stressed if we have to manage others.
Immature Mode - in this mode we run wild with no boundaries. Here we express a "You're not OK" message. At work we tend to not to take responsibility for our actions and are unlikely to progress as we need a great deal of management in order to focus our energy and keep boundaries.

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